Based on our experience you can expect to implement a full Source to Pay project within 18 months. We include in those 18 months the Readiness, the Design, the Build and the deployment of a full Source to Contract (Pay) solution. How to implement a...
Before starting an S2P project, it is necessary to be aware that data related topics are crucial to ensure a proper operation of the solution. Our clients often do not enough focus on data issues and do not consider data as one of the pillars to...
The market is evolving incredibly fast with innovations like Artificial Intelligence (Ai), Robot Process Automatization (RPA) and it’s hard to remain up to date. As they engage in their Procurement Transformation journey, those organisations must...
One of the main key success factors of a S2P implementation project is the quality of deliverables. But before talking about good document quality, you first need to get these documents either from your team or from your software provider. One of...
Previously, you have defined the main lines of your S2P project and select the best vendor. However, after having consulted several software providers, you are now aware of the multitude of functionalities available in the market. That is why you...
Remember that you have previously defined the main goals and requirements of your organization, and the way you want to implement this solution. It is now time to gather more detailed functional needs.One of the risks writing business requirements...