May, the 11th of 2020, in France : decontainment goes one step further into the recovery ouf the actual crisis, with the stake of prevent upsurge of contamination. In order to succeed into this so important transition, and to find a piece of normal life, numeric technology is an asset just as the Blockchain whose applications are multiplying for succeeding into the containment of Covid-19 virus and to relaunch economical activity.
World Health Organization was pioneer by launching from the end of March a blockchain built on Hyperledger technology, in order to facilitate sharing of clinical data between patients, health institutions and researches agencies… while ensuring anonymity, security and shared governance.
Other initiatives who targets to favorize the recovery of economy like the giant Chinese Alibaba, who, throughout its “Ant Financial” subsidiary, recently launched a Blockchain platform in order to speed up the cycle of SMEs companies’ funding or other in-process experimentations aiming to quickly and in a controlled way distribute emergency helps dedicated to citizens (also named “helicopter money”).
Applications of Blockchain are numerous, and this crisis puts back to focal point the interest of this technology for addressing challenges that are waiting for us…
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